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We are all finding new ways to adjust our lives during this unsettling time of COVID19, and for most that adjustment includes work.  We are being called to create a new kind of “Invoking The Pause”, and Grant Partners (GPs) are responding accordingly.  » Read More

Posted - 04/10/2018
2018 Grant Partners Selected!
image001.jpgInvoking The Pause is pleased to announce our new 2018 Grant Partners selected from a pool of over 50 applicants.  The proposals came from scientists and artists, activists and educators.  As we reviewed the requests, we were inspired by the creativity and quality of the collaborations seeking climate challenge solutions across so many different disciplines.  The year, we selected 10 new projects to receive Invoking The Pause support.  2018 marks the largest number of projects ITP has funded in one year.  Visit our Grant Partner page to read about these interesting and exciting projects.

ITP_logo_1.jpgThe Invoking the Pause Advisory Committee met recently to select grant partners for the 2016 grant cycle from a pool of over 30 applicants. The proposals came from scientists and artists, activists and actors. As we reviewed the requests, we were inspired by the creativity and quality of the collaborations seeking climate change solutions across so many different disciplines.
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